Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the whole earth.

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the whole earth.
Mathew 5:5

Doesn’t look like they’re inheriting the earth.

The Bible can at times appear confusing when looked at through objective eyes. If however you wear the rose tinted spectacles (otherwise known as the Holy Spirit) to read the Bible, then it is easy to draw on a litany of preprepared excuses for doctrinal irregularity. After all “God’s will is beyond our comprehension” the caveat of all Christian caveats.

The opening passage spoken by Jesus himself is liberating and offers hope, but it is completely unrealistic and fails to acknowledge the intrinsically vile nature of man.

If there is one thing that has been continually repeated throughout history, it is that those with power and who use violence have inherited the earth and will retain the ownership until someone more powerful and more violent comes along.

The ruling establishment of any country has attained its position through war and violence. Ruling monarchies replaced one another through conflict. Monarchies were replaced by democracy, through civil wars, wars of independence. Settlers colonizing new lands partook in the systematic genocide of the indigenous ethnic groups. For the indigenous people who were fortunate enough not be slaughtered  by the settlers, they would in all probability have become slaves. These processes are how human societies are founded, through appalling acts of violence and our societies shall continue to be shaped in this manner. One thing we can be certain about, the meek have never fared well and have no reason to expect things to change.

I’m guessing he’s not inheriting the whole earth.

Essentially it is simple Darwinism:

“In the struggle for survival, the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment.”

The term fittest is easily confused when applying this to the species homo-sapiens. This is because fittest today means most technologically advanced, more specifically weapons technology. The term ‘rivals’ means meek.

We can see this no where better than the current situation in Gaza. A well trained, well armed force, fighting a local militia. Anyone with the technological superiority enjoyed by the Israelis would take the opportunity to use it indiscriminately in a densely populated area. What is Israel’s soldiers supposed to do, throw away their weapons and pick up slings and peashooters?

This is humanity in its rawest form. The scenes from Gaza are shocking, but the death and destruction itself is not news, it’s what we humans do. The strong, the more violent, the more advanced species progress and survive. The meek will get nowhere, there is no room for meekness in nature nor when it comes to keeping genes alive.

It is not nice, but I believe it is true. Throughout history mankind has perpetrated scores of vile atrocities, why should this stop? In mankind’s societies people take power through violence, I see no reason for this to change. Throughout history the meek have been slaughtered by the millions, and will continue to be so.

I’m sorry Jesus but to me your words seem to offer a false hope, so if you’re listening, if you could come through on that whole meek thing sooner rather than later, most of us would really appreciate it.

This is who we are. Is this who we are?

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